The Changing Face of Medway
Picture provided courtesy of Andrew Ryman©
Independent film maker Andrew Ryman has recently completed production of a Medway based documentary.
The hour long film entitled ‘The Changing Face of Medway’ documents social changes in the Medway Towns since the end of the second world war. Using the Dockyard, local businesses, housing and infrastructure as subject matter, Andrew has used a series of interviews with local residents to emphasise the human element in an engaging analysis of local history. In one of several segments featuring local businesses, a damp specialist from Rochester Building and Damp explains why damp remains so prevalent in Medway and how their business operates on a day to day basis.
Following submission to the Aesthetica Short Film Festival in November, Andrew is planning to release his film online in early 2019. It is hoped the documentary will be accessible for free via a number of educational and history based websites.
Picture provided courtesy of Andrew Ryman©
Below Right: Andrew Ryman during filming of his documentary ‘The Changing Face of Medway’.
Below Left: Islington based I.T specialist Gordon Salzman. Following advice from his late father a head teacher at Kings School Rochester; Gordon Salzman has invested in property solely in the Medway region since 1996. His portfolio is currently estimated to be worth in excess of five million pounds.
Pictures provided courtesy of Andrew Ryman©
Above: Following submission to the Aesthetica Short Film Festival in November, Andrew is planning to release his film online in early 2019.
Below: ‘The Changing Face of Medway’ documents social changes in the Medway Towns since the end of the second world war. Using the Dockyard, local businesses, housing and infrastructure as subject matter.
Rochester Building and Damp are most grateful to Andrew Ryman for the opportunity to contribute in a small way to his documentary. We wish him great success with ‘The Changing Face of Medway’ and look forward to his future projects.
Picture provided courtesy of Andrew Ryman©
Above: Former Chatham dockyard chargehand Terence Worthing during his interview in ‘The Changing Face of Medway’.
Below: The views of Rochester from Terence Worthing’s home, as featured in the documentary.
Picture provided courtesy of Andrew Ryman©
Picture provided courtesy of Andrew Ryman©