When considering the option of buying a new home, damp is high up the unacceptability list. The slightest hint that your intended property has a documented damp issue is usually enough to halt the possibility of an offer.
Within Medway, the potential purchaser of openly damp-affected property will often be either first time buyers or experienced landlords.
The first time buyer can be restricted of choice due to a limited budget; in which case they’re generally prepared to “get on the property ladder” and deal with the damp once they have moved in. This usually involves an off-the-shelf damp proofing paint.
The landlord will in many cases over-look the damp in favour of aesthetically acceptable remedial works undertaken prior to occupancy. Once rented out, the damp will probably resurface shortly into the tenancy; if so, works can become protracted, avoided or argued that the tenant is responsible due to inadequately ventilating the property.
Below: A 1930’s Chatham terraced property. The landlord applies damp proofing paint around a leaking Velux window. A costly mistake ?
This opinion may appear judgmental and presumptuous; indeed, there are countless instances where a correct approach from both first time buyers and landlords in properly adhered to. Unfortunately in my experience these individuals are in a minority.
More information can be found on our website in the coming weeks. In the meantime, if you would like any more information please call me on 07970862057.