10% Discount on Quoted Works – Find us on Facebook

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Inspections and Quotations between 01/10/17 and 31/11/17 could be even lower! All you need to do to qualify is like our new Facebook page: www.facebook.com/rochesterbuildinganddamp/ To receive the 10% discount quote, just ask for the discount reference Roch9741 when you receive your quotation.

Damp Property Investment – Business Hub Event Q&A

On Saturday 2nd September, a brief talk was given by two representatives of Rochester Building and Damp. The informative discussion which included a Q and A session, was introduced by Rochester Building and Damp owner Daniel McLean. The invitation only event was attended by over seventy members of a property investment group. We discussed many damp related topics, including: ‘Should the … Read more

Damp Proofing Specialist Leads Restoration of Georgian Vicarage

The Gatehouse

With substantial funds provided by private investors, the subsidised purchase of ‘The Gatehouse’ is a continuing project which should be welcomed by local historians and anyone who appreciates fine architecture. The renovation project, which is expected to be completed in September 2018, is reliant upon the semi-charitable efforts of several local businesses; Rochester Building and … Read more

Should investment in Victorian property be avoided due to high probability of damp?

ME1 Rochester Plaster Removal

The landscape of Rochester, Chatham, Strood and Gillingham is easily identifiable through vast numbers of Victorian terraced properties. The development of Medway was rapid from the 1880’s onwards and continued until a secondary phase in the 1930’s which catered to the burgeoning middle class.  The Victorian terraced property was built predominantly for working class families … Read more

Covering Damp – Covering Problems Later

By taking this approach, you are allowing the concealed deterioration of masonry, timber and plaster. If repeatedly concealed, an ingress can degrade surrounding materials to an extent where structural integrity is affected. Not only will this be far more expensive to fix, but there are also the health, safety and liability implications to consider. On … Read more

Damp Paint

Damp check paint

I am often asked if applying a respectable brand of ‘damp paint’ will be of any benefit. The simple answer is no. Damp should always be rectified at source and never covered up. Any damp-paint or coating will merely provide tissue-thin moisture resistant membrane that may possibly last days or weeks at best. The practice … Read more

Fixing an ingress with anti-damp paint – Is it possible?

painting anti-damp

When considering the option of buying a new home, damp is high up the unacceptability list. The slightest hint that your intended property has a documented damp issue is usually enough to halt the possibility of an offer. Within Medway, the potential purchaser of openly damp-affected property will often be either first time buyers or … Read more

Damp Proofing in Oxford – Making the Right Choice | Part 2

Test for Damp

The contractor had proposed a 500mm width trench to be dug-out and the footings of the property exposed. His reasoning being, all moisture-laden soil in contact with the external surface of brickwork below ground-level would be alleviated and the brickwork/footings given time to dry out. Alfred approved the works to be undertaken and at considerable … Read more

Damp Proofing in Oxford – Making the Right Choice | Part 1

Oxford Damp Proofing

I was recently contacted by a gentleman in Oxford, who imparted to me some information of considerable interest. The gentleman who I shall refer to as Alfred, expressed his regret following a decision to hire a Chatham based contractor to undertake damp-proofing works. Insisting on a Skype call, he relayed how following his parents demise … Read more

Damp in Pre-Edwardian Rochester Properties

rochester property damp

As property in London continues to exponentially increase in price, many a potential investor looks to Medway and specifically Rochester to expand their portfolio. With an abundance of desirable and comparatively affordable properties, the relative close proximity to London, the historical heritage and accessibility to an indefinite choice of amenities; the decision to buy in … Read more

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